Ethics and Architecture II
The "ought" of architecture and the neediness of the human being
06.02. - 08.02.2024, University of Siegen
In continuation of the study days Ethics and Architecture I (Paris-La Villette, 2022), in the continuing event we want to place the concrete relatedness of architecture with the everyday lifeworld of human beings at the centre of an ethical discussion of architecture. In doing so, we do not want to approach the "ought" of architecture in a way that abstracts from the lifeworld and then refers this back to architecture quasi externally. Rather, the "ought" is to be derived from life itself, i.e., from the relationship between humans and architecture as it has always existed.
How and by what the "ought" of architecture proves itself, if its main task is to give man a physical and spiritual shelter in his lifeworld?
The study days Ethics and Architecture II invite to question this central ethical question from an architectural and philosophical perspective in the horizon of the relationship between architecture and life. The neediness of human beings in their everyday life forms the starting point for this.